Sunday, May 9, 2010


At the start line

The Vancouver Sun Run is one of the largest road races in the world (according to wikipedia, it broke a record in 2008, making it the largest 10k race in the world).  It was my first time doing the Sun Run, and I was in a crowd of 51,419 people.

The weather was fantastic, and for lunch I had a lamb sandwich from Sciue while sitting on the steps by the water with my friends. I love: a.) lamb, b.) Italian food, c.) bodies of water, and d.) friends, and therefore I had a great day!


  1. Ohhh I really like the shot from Burrard Bridge!
    Congrats on the Sunrun!

  2. I thoroughly concur with your thoughts of the day. I think that if you went on a boat too yesterday it would've made it the best day of your life!
