Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I found out the circumstances surrounding the death of a someone I knew, and what scares me is that none of it was her fault. It was a very unfortunate accident involving an old man whose hearing aid batteries didn't work, and a family who was rushing to go to the border. She was just in her own lane, minding her own business, and then bam, it was over.

Please please please always shoulder check, and don't tailgate - otherwise innocent lives can be lost. I strongly feel that people should have to take a driving test once you reach a certain age. Sure, you've been driving for 50 years, but if you're blind and deaf, you should not be on the road.

The images of crashing my car on the highway have returned in full force after hearing the story. It had faded for awhile, but now I'm back to being paranoid while driving on the highway. I can't help it.

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