Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I woke up at the crack of dawn because I had to take the bus for an opening shift, and I was so tired because I had stayed up all night reading a book called The Hunger Games, which is such a good read. I highly recommend it but beware it might cause a lack of sleep.

Anyway I got to watch the sun rise from my bus, and am watching the sun set now on my bus ride home.
Hmm I wish I knew how to put up more than one picture using this blogger droid app.

P.S. I just realized this part of town is called Hastings Sunrise!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4


  1. Awesome pun and musical reference! You're blogging so early nowadays, it puts other fellow bloggers to shame. All because of your Galaxy.

  2. yes i like how i can blog anywhere - at work or on the bus! i suppose the quality of my pictures has also gone down though, but that is what you get for convenience!
