Saturday, November 20, 2010


The first snowfall for vancouver happened on the night of my flight, and we ended up being delayed by 2 hours and therefore missed our connecting flight to bangkok. We got a later flight (5 hours later than originally booked) and I've been spending my time eating and blogging at the hong kong airport. Everything is in chinese...even the blogger site on my phone has turned into chinese!

I have a newfound appreciation for gravol...i haven't slept for so long in awhile! All I did during my 13 hour flight was take gravol, sleep, wake up for food, take more gravol, sleep, eat, sleep, eat etc. I was only awake long enough to watch Inception, and we landed before I could even finish the movie.
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  1. Aww Jenny Penny's so cute! How did you manage to navigate through Chinese blogger? And at least you two found something to do in that long wait time!

  2. How long are you gone for? Will you be back the same time as me?? I'm coming home Dec 15
