Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Riding home just before dusk.

I spent the whole day commuting by bicycle - first to Kerrisdale for lunch and a chat with a friend who just came back from a trip to France, then to Main Street for a Jamaican dinner in honour of a friend who is moving away from Vancouver tomorrow. All in all it was a good day off - I got to exercise, eat, AND socialize. My favourite part of the day though was when I was locking my bike up at the bicycle rack on Main Street. A group of girls passed by and looked at my bike, and one of them said, "That's a sick bike". Yes it is a sick bike indeed.

P.S. For the first time ever, I had a passenger sit on my rear rack of my bike today as I biked around some bushes. Fun times! Not very safe though, that extra hundred pounds made me wobbly.

1 comment:


    haha I'll try to lose weight... maybe it'll help haha.
