Saturday, October 9, 2010


For the past week, I've been thinking about what I will do once 2011 comes around, since I am only 82 days away from the end of my project 365.  I was contemplating doing a 365 Days project, which is a more hardcore version of what I've been doing - it is 365 self portraits. However, that would require a lot more creativity on my part, and it is so much harder to achieve technically. There are some 365 Days projects which I admire so much for the amount of thought and skill used to execute each photo; some of my favourites include Anna Gay and Khareid (You can see how much they've grown when you compare their first month to the last month of their projects).

I don't think I would be happy with my results in this kind of project, since I don't have the creativity, modeling skills, or the technical photographic chops to do a great job (and I would be very disappointed in myself if I ended up with bad photos at the end of the year). There are a multitude of reasons why self-portraits are so much harder, and I find that the days I take self-portraits require so much more planning and thought. And the photos never turn out the same as how I envisioned them in my head. Such as today's photos - they turned out entirely different from my original idea. I need to learn how to pose like the pros.

So there are all these cons of doing a year of self-portraits. It is a huge and difficult undertaking, and it is very frustrating doing just a regular project 365 sometimes, because sometimes I just don't feel like taking a picture! But then, when I think about it, attempting this could really also be very rewarding, if I do it right - I just have to try really hard (and bring my tripod everywhere).

I will have this photographic void at the start of the next year, and I need to fill it.... I don't know with what.

Update: I have decided that I am going undertake the daunting task of learning PHOTOSHOP

1 comment:

  1. I think you can do anything you set your mind to--look how far you've come in photography since the first time we went to Europe together!

    And how do you find these random photo albums? I took a look through Anna Gay's and many of them were so dreamlike! I'm sure if you did decide to do self-portraits for a year, you'd see a huge improvement in your posing too.

    Oh and yes, there are so many days where blogging is the biggest challenge of the day!
