Thursday, May 12, 2011

126: WHATEVS...

So I'm kind of getting tired of blogging, because it feels like a chore nowadays. My photos aren't really getting any better, and this blog is not giving me the same sort of enjoyment it did last year. Maybe I've just hit a photographer's block and need to push through it, or maybe I just need to take a hiatus. I think my readership has gone down big time. So really, what is the point of having a blog, if I am not really enjoying myself, and no one is reading this?

When I take pictures I am excited about, I can't wait to upload them and to put them online. But when I take so-so pictures, which I have been doing a lot lately, I dread having to update my blog. What I really need then, is some INSPIRATION. How does one find inspiration??

We'll see how this goes.


  1. i still enjoy your photos and blog!

  2. and i think your pictures have been looking great (as always) and original too!
