Monday, August 2, 2010


Today I biked 32km. And this is why my mother, when she saw me in shorts, exclaimed, "Your thighs are big like Beyonce's!"

Anyway I biked to Steveston with the Jens, and we had the BEST frozen yogurt.

We saw a giant dandelion(?) that was the size of my hand.

Along the dyke there were lots of cows with long eyelashes.

Happy BC day!


  1. Hahah awww your day looks so awesome! I'm glad you and the Jens had so much fun! I want the best frozen yogurt!

  2. wow, that's a long bike ride! good job! now u can bike to yoga for sure!

  3. arah, beyonce's thighs will get you places!!!!!! i dont think they're such a bad thing....

    i dont want to have to say this.... but I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE BLUEBERRY!!!!

  4. We need a riding date! I biked to Stanley park yesterday! When I went up the Canada Line bridge I thought of you and how you can do it on your bike (and how I wanted to walk through it)! Horrah to beyonce's thighs!!

  5. Miranda! You biked all the way from your house to Stanley Park? That's crazy. I'm not at your level yet, I've never biked from my house to downtown! Let's bike soon!!

  6. I want to bike too! But just around the seawall because I have to rent a bike. And I would think having Beyonce thighs would be a compliment no?
