Sunday, July 11, 2010


The National is performing at Stanley Park with the Watchmen in September. I have yet to find a person who can go with me (I have one maybe), but one of the two concert days is already sold out and so I bought an extra ticket just in case!

They are my new favorite band. I love the singer's baritone voice - it reminds me of Joy Division and Interpol.


  1. I'm sooo sorry, but your "one maybe" is most likely going to be in New York or Ottawa on the 9th! :( I'm flying back to Ottawa and going back to NY again in September before going back to Paris. Although my report card looks ambiguous about whether or not I passed first year... I hope I passed...

  2. this is an interesting way to advertise :)
    hope you find someone!

  3. Thanks April!

    It's ok Cat, my "one maybe" was actually Phoebe since I had no idea if you would even be in town or not and didn't know if you actually liked the band. Why are you going back to NYC?!

  4. You need to meet my flatmate. She has identical taste in music as you and the National is one of her fav bands.
