Monday, March 29, 2010


I totally stole someone's taxi. The taxi driver kicked me out of the car when he found out I wasn't from Wendy's, but the person wasn't on time, so he came back after a minute and told me to get in. I felt a bit bad for the person from Wendy's, but it was raining really hard and I was holding a roast chicken in my hands.


  1. HAHHAHAHHAHA I love the image of you holding a roast chicken in your hands. And someone stole your taxi recently so it's even now.

  2. I was actually holding a roast chicken, apples, bananas, a muffin, and a pepperoni stick. It was a bit embarassing getting into the hotel because I was fumbling with the door and dropped my bags, with the people from reception watching me the whole time

  3. hahaha oh Belzers, we are so similar. I often buy roast chicken too.

  4. Hahaha there's been many a night when someone has intercepted my taxi leaving me to wait MUCH longer just to get home.
