Saturday, April 10, 2010


View during my ferry ride home.  I was sitting outside and almost fell asleep because the sun was on my face and I got all warm and comfortable. But then all the little kids came out, screaming and running around, and I wanted to punch them all in the face! Because all I wanted to do was sleep. There must have been some kind of Boy Scout convention going on because there were boy scouts everywhere, taking up all the seats and being very loud. Is it just me or is it weird when the middle aged leaders wear their boy scout uniforms?

The minute I got home, I crawled into bed and fell asleep.  This is a sure sign that I am sick, since I never nap when I am not. Three more days of work left to go. Would it be bad to take a sick day right before a 3 week vacation?

Time to take some drugs.

P.S. I can't believe I am already 100 days into my project 365. It feels like I just started!


  1. I was thinking the same thing about your 100th entry! You're almost a third of the way through.

    I think the boy scouts probably went to a camp somewhere on the island. When I was in girl guides we went to Gibsons for a weekend.

    You should definitely take a sick day if your body needs it. You don't want to be ill during your short trip!

  2. Don't be sick in Paris!!!

  3. yea i was thinking u want to get better before ur vacation!! get well soon! and thanks so much for helping out!
