Friday, April 9, 2010


I had an early shift today so I went to Piper's Lagoon for a little hike after work. It's so gorgeous there, especially since today was such a nice day. I suppose this is why they call it a "working vacation". I love Nanaimo when it's sunny! But then there's nothing to do when it's cold and rainy. Here are some of the answers I got when I asked some of my Nanaimo colleagues on what they do for fun:

"There's nothing to do in Nanaimo. Why did I sign such a long contract? There's nothing here! I'll be here until my hair is gray!"

"Sometimes I go for a drive. But it's only fun when you can go fast, and you can't go fast on any of the roads here."

"I hang out with my friends at the mall in front of the Fido stand."

"Even the pubs at the university stop serving food after 7. You should go to 7-11 if you want to eat something after 8 because you'll have trouble finding a restaurant that's open."

Despite the lackluster responses from the locals, I still think Nanaimo is great for the outdoorsy types, especially when the weather cooperates. I had a fantastic time here when I did my practicum in third year, although playing Mario Kart everyday after work and living in a vacation home with friends probably had something to do with it.

I couldn't decide on which photo I liked best so here are a few more:


  1. UAU sooo many gorgeous shots. they sell Nanaimo more to me than the tips from the locals.

  2. that's not true, u can go fast on many roads here =D

  3. you forgot the best thing every about Nanaimo.... PICTIONARY!!! haha that was the best!

  4. I meant to say *ever* :P
