Sunday, April 4, 2010


A shot of English Bay from the middle of the Burrard Street Bridge. Remember my disappointment a few days ago when I realized that I had specified walking not just on any bridge, but along the Burrard bridge in particular? Well, I can finally cross it off my list today.

Here I am at the beginning of the bridge, in anticipation of the walk ahead.

Anyway, now that it has been crossed off my bucket list, I have added something else to do before I die: be able to do the CROW. Every time I attempt to do it, I end up falling over. This is what it looks like:

It may take me awhile to master this.


  1. Yay for crossing the bridge! Oh man, I don't know if my wrists can survive THE CROW.

    Caw, caw..

  2. oh belle, you could've waited until the sun run... =p

  3. Congrats on conquering the bridge!

    Just tried the Crow.. I think I hurt myself...

  4. Arabelle, you are saturating your photos way too much! lol
