Monday, June 21, 2010


To bike or not to bike after rock climbing tomorrow? That is the question...

I've decided on picking my new bike up in the morning, biking to Cliffhanger to do some rock climbing, and then biking home afterwards. It's going to be difficult, since rock climbing seriously tires me out, and there are some major hills on my way home. It's going to be an hour ride. I am going to be pooped! I was also thinking of either throwing in some yoga in the afternoon or biking to my photography class in the evening, but that is just too much for me to handle. Maybe when I have hands, arms, and thighs of steel. I want to be a bionic woman.


  1. bring your bike to nanaimo too! you can bike to work ;)

  2. I want to go rock climbing!!!! And learn how to ride a bike properly.

    How will I hug you if your appendages are of steel?
