Friday, February 12, 2010


Today, I went downtown and fought my way through hordes of people to get a hot dog from my favorite stand on Robson Street. The tastiness of the hot dog made me very happy and put me in such a good mood afterwards. It tasted so incredible..I don't know whether or not it was just because I was extremely hungry from rock climbing in the morning, but I was very satisfied with my $3.50 jumbo hot dog. The hot dog guy on that corner never disappoints me.

Robson Street was the busiest I have ever seen it. The opening ceremonies were tonight, and the street was buzzing with people all decked out in their Canada gear beforehand. Every few minutes, I would hear someone going "whooooo" and would look up to see them whizzing by on the zip lines. CTV was broadcasting the news from the street, so there were tons of people jockeying for a chance to wave and cheer in the background. There were even protestors dressed in hippie clothing marching down the street.

And to think, if I had stayed on Robson an extra 4 hours, I would have been able to be one of those people chasing Wayne Gretzy in the rain on his way to light the external Olympic torch. As Giosy puts it, those people were like kids running after the ice cream truck. Gretzky was their ice cream.

My hot dog (with fried onions underneath)...YUM! Then I had a caramel apple afterwards...DOUBLE YUM!


  1. That does look like a good hot dog. Like a foot long hot dog from the PNE...which reminds me, I really love wiggle chips! I am going to eat all the wiggle chips I can at the PNE this year when I go home!

  2. Haha I'm glad your hot dog was the star of your day!

  3. omg it was the most glorious hot dog ever. in fact, I would like one right now.

  4. i'm going to have to try this hot dog now. i always go for the terimayo japa dog

  5. hey I think i've had that before!! Ur right, best dog EVER! Japa dog's got nothing on it
