I miss my concert buddies! Why did you have to move to France and Japan? I haven't been to a concert in more than a year. I miss the days when I was going to one every month with you guys.
My top 3 concert moments:

1. YELLE - Who knew I would like French rap/pop/dance music so much? Being in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by Yelle's hardcore fans, cheering, singing, and dancing to her music, everyone was going crazy around me. (I was going crazy too.) The Yelle concert was just incredibly fun. AMOUR!
2. RADIOHEAD - It was an outdoor concert and we were drenched from the pouring rain. But Radiohead is such an amazing band to see live. Especially during Paranoid Android, when Thom Yorke started singing "Rain down on me from a great height," as he looked up at the rain coming down on him. That moment was magical. I was soaking wet but I didn't even care!

3. INTERPOL - Interpol is awesome, and I love them, and we were right at the front because we waited in line for so long and it was so worth it. The crowd was into the music, but no one was aggressively pushing or shoving me, so I had a great time. Oh, I really love Interpol. Please come back to Vancouver.
Honorable mentions for:
4. THE KILLERS - Back before they were really big, and they were still playing small venues like the Vogue.
5. THE STROKES - My first mosh pit. People were fainting all around me, and my face was pushed up against a tall guy's back so I couldn't breathe. I thought I was going to die!
I love live music and am hoping to go to some free olympic concerts soon!
Sam Roberts Band on Saturday! I like your pile of tickets, I never realized how many shows you went to!
ReplyDeleteI love your concert descriptions. We went to most of those together! Oh Belzers...I miss going to concerts too. If you were in Paris we would be going to one every weekend. SO MANY CONCERTS happen here! And lots of big names too...but I have no one to go with and I am certainly not concerting on my own!
ReplyDeleteI have the exact same favourite moments! Minus the Radiohead because I was not there. Remember when our jeans were wet from YELLE? That was pretty nutso. (And for the people reading: No, we did not urinate in our pants). And the look on our faces after Interpol? That was priceless!